While you are breastfeeding, you will want to return to your normal routine as much as possible, and that includes getting the same treatments that help you look and feel your most confident. However, doing so too soon may not always be in the best interest of you and baby. If you routinely get dermal fillers, your oral surgeon in Houston says it is a good idea to hold off until you are finished breastfeeding to resume these treatments. Keep reading to find out why, as well as possible safer alternatives.
Oral Surgeon in Houston, Can I Get Fillers While Breastfeeding?
June 18, 2018
Can My Oral Surgeon in Houston Give Me Botox Under My Eyes?
June 5, 2018
If you feel like your facial skin could use a little rejuvenation, Botox may help. This treatment is commonly used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the eye region. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved its use under the eyes in the United States. Keep reading to learn more about what Botox can and can’t do, as well as some ways to reduce the appearance of dark circles or bags naturally.
Can I Get Botox While I’m Breastfeeding?
May 20, 2018
An estimated 6.6 million women underwent a Botox treatment in the year 2016, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, which means it is now the most popular form of minimally-invasive cosmetic surgery in the United States. Botox is a treatment that must be reapplied every 4 to 5 months — so many women may wish to receive a treatment at some point while they are pregnant or breastfeeding. But is it safe? Keep reading to learn more regarding what we know about getting Botox while breastfeeding from your oral surgeon in Houston.
Oral Surgeon in Houston Covers the 8 Medical Uses of Botox
May 18, 2018
Most people know of Botox for its cosmetic uses, which include reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eye and forehead region. However, in recent years the medical applications of Botox have become more known and it has been approved to be effective in treating a range of health conditions. Your oral surgeon in Houston shares the 8 uses that have gained Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval below.
What to Eat after Wisdom Tooth Extraction
April 5, 2018
Most people will need to have one or more wisdom teeth extracted during adolescence or adulthood. It’s not uncommon at all — but you may have to press “pause” on life for a few days when you need this procedure. During the preliminary appointments, your oral surgeon in Houston will talk you through the post-operative instructions to ensure you enjoy a speedy and comfortable recovery. One of these is a soft foods diet. What does that entail, exactly? We have a post-wisdom tooth extraction menu below!
Types of Anesthesia Offered by Your Oral Surgeon in Houston
March 1, 2018
From wisdom tooth extraction to dental implant placement and everything in between, every oral surgery requires at least some type of anesthesia for total comfort. Different procedures call for different levels of anesthesia, and your oral surgeon in Houston is prepared with few options. Keep reading to learn more about local, intravenous (IV), and general anesthesia.
Potential Risks and Side Effects of Botox in Houston
February 23, 2018
Botox is a wonderful way to achieve more youthful, radiant skin. In fact, many of your friends and colleagues have likely already benefited from the cosmetic use of this common non-surgical treatment for fine lines and wrinkles. Medical News Today reports that Botox treatments have increased 700% since the year 2000. Botox in Houston can be completed in a short appointment before work or on your lunch break — and the attractive results can last for months. Of course, it is important to make yourself aware of potential risks and side effects of any elective treatment. Keep reading to learn about the risks and effects of Botox in order to stay fully informed on your journey to picture-perfect skin.
What Are the Medical & Cosmetic Uses of Botox in Houston?
February 15, 2018
Welcome to our series on Botox in Houston, where we cover everything you need to know about this popular treatment. Here, we go into detail about the variety of uses of this popular treatment, which include more than you may think. Botox can be used for both medical and cosmetic treatments, depending on your unique needs. Keep reading to learn more about how we use this treatment, and be sure to check out our other posts on the procedure for Botox, how it is performed, and what it actually is. We’re the real experts!
How Is Botox in Houston Performed?
February 3, 2018
Botox is a popular treatment for people who are interested in improving the appearance of wrinkled or droopy facial tissue. If you are considering having this cosmetic procedure performed, it is important that you learn about the details of just how Botox in Houston works. The procedure itself is rather simple — which is part of the reason why Botox is booming in popularity, up 700 percent since 2000. In our series on Botox, we have covered what it’s made of, its applications, and possible side effects. Keep reading to learn more about just how the procedure is performed.
What Is Botox in Houston?
January 31, 2018
If you are considering getting something like Botox to help you enjoy more youthful, radiant skin, it makes sense to get all the information possible before beginning with the treatment. One of the most basic questions is, of course, what Botox really is. Is it something your dentist injects into your skin to plump it up? That’s what most people think of when they hear “Botox,” but it’s actually inaccurate. In fact, Botox is a substance that freezes the muscles that cause wrinkles when they contract. Keep reading to learn more about Botox in Houston and how it can help you achieve the beautiful skin you desire… and deserve!