Botox is a popular esthetic procedure used to reduce the appearance of aging that’s now available by local dentists, like Piney Point Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Over the last 20 years, the injections have risen in popularity due to the effectiveness of easing the appearance of facial fine lines and wrinkles. Using botulinum toxin, a purified protein, which is injected into facial muscles and attaching to nerve endings, the contracting of muscles is decreased to promote a younger-looking appearance. The safe and effective treatment produces results in as little as three days for a youthful look. However, the injections can also be used to treat certain oral conditions.
Piney Point Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
What to Know Before Getting Botox
April 8, 2016
CPAP Alternative with Surgical Treatment for Sleep Apnea
April 7, 2016
If you’re suffering from sleep apnea, chances are you’ve tried a CPAP machine to help keep your airways open. While CPAP machines are an effective form of treatment, they may not always be right for everyone. In some cases, the obstructions causing the apnea are too significant for the machine to be effective, or maybe you just want CPAP alternatives to sleep soundly without the machine. There are surgical treatments for sleep apnea that can be used to treat obstructive sleep apnea.
What You Need to Know Before Reconstructive Jaw Surgery
March 21, 2016
Reconstructive jaw surgery, known as orthognathic surgery, is used to realign your jaw to correct certain skeletal abnormalities. For those needing jaw surgery to straighten or align the jaw, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, like Piney Point, will perform the surgery using surgical plates, templates, and wires to move the jaw into its correct alignment. There are a number of reasons the jaw may need to be realigned, such as due to birth defects, TMJ pain, trauma to the jaw, or bite problems. No matter the cause, Piney Point Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery will provide the individualized treatment needed to align your jaw properly.
Pre-Prosthetic Surgery: Preparing Your Mouth for Dentures
March 17, 2016
When you’re suffering from tooth loss, dentures are the ideal prosthetic solution to restore your smile, quality of life, and oral health. False teeth are an affordable option that allows you to quickly and easily fill the space of missing teeth. However, in some cases, you may need pre-prosthetic surgery prior to receiving your false teeth. To ensure the best fit, comfort and appearance, you may need a couple of procedures conducted before you have your final set of replacement teeth. At Piney Point Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, we will fully evaluate your oral health prior to receiving your replacement teeth to determine if there are any procedures that need to be performed beforehand.
Self Checking for Oral Cancer
March 10, 2016
When you think about cancer, one area that’s often overlooked is oral cancer. Oral cancer affects more than with roughly one person dying every 24 hours. The high death rate from oral cancer, with a little over half only surviving 5 years, is largely due to the fact the cancer isn’t diagnosed until the late stages. While oral cancer isn’t difficult to diagnose, it often goes unnoticed due to not having oral screenings performed regularly. However, even without an oral screening, you can start checking for oral cancer at home to learn early signs. Piney Point Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is here to help you learn how to conduct an oral cancer check at home.
Reverse Signs of Age with Juvederm®
February 23, 2016
To prevent the signs of age, you can wear sunscreen, get plenty of sleep and stay hydrated… but the truth, is you’ll experience some amount of wrinkles no matter what. There’s no way to prevent the signs of age that occur on delicate facial tissue, but you can reverse wrinkles and rejuvenate your look with Juvederm treatments in Houston TX. Keep reading to learn more about this quick, wonderful option for a more youthful appearance.
Everything You Need to Know About IV Sedation
February 2, 2016
Staying informed of your choices can help you to have the best possible outcome from your upcoming oral surgery. Among a whole list of sedation options, one of the most common methods for relaxing through an oral procedure is with IV sedation. Keep reading to learn more about this top anaesthetic option.
TMJ Disorder: Exercises to Alleviate Pain
January 29, 2016
The name of our practice is Piney Point Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, but for some of the patients who visit us, surgery isn’t the best option. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder is actually a variety of dysfunctions of the TMJ, and there are numerous effective methods for treating TMJ disorders. In most cases, we are able to offer conservative, non-surgical treatment options for TMJ sufferers. We often partner with knowledgeable physical therapists to train patients to exercise their jaw muscles and joints in order to relieve pain and restore optimal function.
Are Dental Implants an Option for Congenitally Missing Teeth?
January 27, 2016
Hypodontia refers to a person who does not develop one to six teeth. Third molars, wisdom teeth, are the most common congenitally missing teeth, but even excluding these teeth, nearly 10% of people are effected by hypdontia. Other commonly missing teeth are maxillary (upper jaw) laterals, the teeth on either side of the front teeth, and mandibular (lower jaw) premolars, the teeth on either side of the canines. For patients who do not develop these teeth, ordinary activities like chewing and speaking present increased challenge. At Piney Point Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, we offer numerous tooth replacement and orthodontic options to restore smiles.
What You Need to Know about Chemotherapy and Your Mouth
January 22, 2016
Chemotherapy has a number of well-known side effects including fatigue, nausea, muscle pain or weakness, and hair loss. What patients don’t always realize is that cancer treatments also affect their oral health. Like many other systemic diseases that are intricately linked to oral health, caring for your smile throughout chemotherapy improves your overall health during care. The expert team at Piney Point Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is happy to help you care for your smile throughout chemotherapy.